Valid for new customers to TRUE Chiropractic only.
Strictly by appointments only.
Trial options are non-refundable & valid for 60 calendar days from date of payment.
No retrospective discounts or other promotions will be applied.
Treatment shall be served only if Patient is suitable for Chiropractic care and the top up fee is completed. No refunds shall be made if Chiropractic care is deemed inappropriate.
Patients below 21 years old must be accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Provision of any complimentary gifts while stock lasts and/or fulfilment of requirements.
Cost excludes other medical practitioner fees.
X-Ray may be recommended by Chiropractors based on current examination findings and/or when a patient presents a history of MSK issues with outdated diagnostic imaging records. The GP decision is final on need, type & extent of imaging coverage required.